2nd wave of Pharmakon Student Creative Work Competition(SCWC) is coming!!!
Upon the request, SCWC has been extended right from today (25/11/2009) until 31/12/2009! :D
So send in your entries:
Essay, poem, cartoon, comic, or short story, etc..
As long as it is related to university, pharmacy, the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the life of a Pharmacy student.
to pharmakon0910@hotmail.com or pharmakon0910@gmail.com
or submit to Tan Chun Ming(2nd year) or to the class representative of your year before 31/12/2009;
& stand a chance to win-->>
1st prize : RM100 + hamper + certificate
2nd prize : RM55 + hamper + certificate
3rd prize : RM35 + hamper + certificate
**** The selected winning entries will be published in the PHARMAKON magazine2009/2010.
Terms& condition:
· Open to ALL USM pharmacy students (1st year-4th year),of course including the committees of pharmakon 2009/2010
· Your entries should be in ENGLISH only
· Your entry should not contain any SENSITIVE issues (religious or racial slurs, insults, etc)
· Send via softcopy or hardcopy
· All entries must be original work, not copied from other sources
· Each participant can submit more than 1 entry as they wish.
Judges for the competition:
Dr. Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali, Dr. Asrul Akmal Shafie & Dr. Mahmoud Saidi Mohammad al-haddad.
*creativity is this main consideration in the judging process.
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