On 9 - 19 July 2009, the Pharmacy Students’ Association of USM organized an orientation week to welcome the first year pharmacy students into the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the 2009/2010 academic session. During the orientation week, the new students had great opportunities to know more about School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, their lecturers, the supporting staff and their seniors. This activity ensured that the incoming juniors can adapt to their new environment and be able to succeed in both academic and non-academic fields.
Ice Breaking
The first programme for the orientation week was the ice-breaking session, which was held on 9 July 2009 (5 - 6 pm) at the foyer of DK X and Y. The activities on that day included grouping and introducing the facilitators to each group. The first year students were divided into 10 groups and a leader was chosen by each group. The groups were then assigned the task of choosing a creative group name and creating their cheers.

Group discussion between group members to choose a leader and think of a creative group name and cheers.
Next, on 13 July 2009 (8-11.30pm), the ‘Senior and Junior Night’ was carried out in DK X and DK Y. All the first year students were given his or her direct senior and they had to search for their senior in DK Y based on the clues given. On that night, the seniors met with their direct juniors and had a good time getting to know each other.

GO! GO! GO! Each group were pumped up to start their explorace around USM!

Many games were set up at each station to test their physical strength and intelligence. The explorace also helped to strengthen the relationship among the first year students and with their seniors.

Closing Ceremony
Lastly, on 19 July 2009 (8pm-11pm), there was a closing ceremony for the orientation week, held in DK U. Many interesting shows were performed by each group, such as singing, acting, dancing, and fashion shows. Everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time!

<<< ‘Kung Fu’ show

Indian dance >>>

<<< Drama presentation
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