RX QUIZ 2016

“Bring out the champion in you”

The Rx Quiz 2016 is the first quiz organized by Pusat Pengajian Sains Farmasi for USM Pharmacy student to select the best team to compete in the National Rx Quiz. The participants compete in the preliminary round 1 and round 2 before going into the semi and final with each group consisting of 4 members. This quiz was held on 20 Mac 2016, from 9am- 12pm at DK Y.
Congratulation to the PD and committee for organizing the event and a big thanks to all the participants for the support. 

Project Director : Ayu Nabila Sahrel

Pharmidol 2016

[ PHARMIDOL 2016 ]

‘Crème de la crème ‘
Once again pharmacy students prove that they can showcase their talent during Pharmidol Thanks to all performers and supporters.

Date : 4th March 2016
Place : DK Y

Project Director : Joyce Ung